The Letter B

I have to go with bicycles on this one. As I looked through my photos of bicycles, it struck me how they can be a bit different depending on where they are located.

I found these in front of a restaurant in Huntington Beach, California, a rather tony kind of place


Now, we jet over to Oahu’s North Shore where everyone is really laid back…surfer kind of easy going life; they just jam the bikes in where they can on the trail


Do you get what I mean?


Like, dude, totally laid back; they can barely get down to the beach before throwing their bike down


I’ll bring you back to the Mainland now, Walnut Creek, California to be exact. A place of very fit and health conscious people


And then there are bikes, and there are bikes


Thanks, Frizztext, for the fun with B

About Angeline M

Love travel and photography. Living in Northern California. Photos of locations visited are personal file photos. I’m on Instagram: suze.munoz
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44 Responses to The Letter B

  1. Sartenada says:

    I love especially those bike photos.


  2. Madhu says:

    I like the last two, particularly the blue 🙂


  3. Lila says:

    Ah, you made such a good point. I totally get what you mean; there’s always a difference with how things look when different people own them.

    I’ve seen this all my life, it always depends where it is I go. There are the pros and cons to each. The laid back people want to throw things around wherever whenever because they prioritize how they feel over everything else. The preppy people may take themselves too seriously and prioritize how well they maintain their appearances over having a good time.

    Act preppy in laid-back town, or be laid back in preppy-town and you will get weird looks! =)
    Fun reading.

    Love & Peace,


  4. I think I know which bike you like!! 🙂


  5. munchow says:

    Nice collection of bikes. I particularly like the pink bike and the tracks, because it’s a different way of seeing bikes as a theme. I wish you all the best for the new year, Angeline.


  6. Eric Murtaugh says:

    Nice bikes! Big fan of bikes myself. Have you ever been through Davis, CA? Man, that place is a bike frenzy.


  7. Jo Bryant says:

    that pink bike is just about the cutest thing ever


  8. Pingback: tagged B: bread sculpture « my sweetpainteddreams

  9. Amy says:

    You got some handsome bikes there. Bike for the tag B, perfect!


  10. Loved this series! as I myself have made up a bike (and lamposts) series because I realized how many random shots of these I got over the past 3 years. Here’s what I saw :
    and it will be updated soon, obviously, as there always are some bike somewhere waiting for its shot.

    particularly enjoyed the tire track in the sand and that bike thrown down… and the last one, with the motor one, nice catch and insight too!


  11. The whimsical eye sees all. Colors are beautifully coordinated within each photograph, love the compositions, juxtapositions… 🙂 Such a simple subject, such a nice show.


  12. tita buds says:

    Nice collection, Angeline!
    The husband is an avid mountain biker and he has been encouraging me to try it out. I keep telling him my legs are too short, haha, but hey, if I had a bike as cute as the one in the first photo, I just might start road biking again. 🙂


    • Angeline M says:

      Isn’t that first one cute? I can see you on that with your two little doggies in the basket going for a ride. Don’t think it would work for mountain biking though 🙂


  13. yerpirate says:

    Bicycles really are a wonderful theme – and very much here somehow, in the snow, really seems to add something.


  14. frizztext says:

    hi Angeline,
    your charming gallery is a nice tribute to bicycles!


  15. Allan G. Smorra says:

    I like your bike photos, the colors are very rich.


  16. Great collection of bike photos…


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