A Final Farewell

It was a weekend of tranquility, reflection, and peace.  A small group came together in the Big Sur, California area for a memorial service for a friend’s husband who had passed away several months ago.

A thoughtful memorial in our friend’s hotel room took place, with her husband’s life remembered, poems read, music interspersed.

~ “I didn’t come here of my own accord, and I can’t leave that way. Whoever brought me here, will have to take me home.”~rumi

The group proceeded to an isolated beach along the Big Sur coastline to bid a final farewell. Plastic beach pails were handed out, a shallow bowl was hollowed out in the sand, surrounded by turrets made of sand.  A trench was dug from the hallowed bowl to the breaking waves.

~ “Meanwhile the world goes on. Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain are moving across the landscapes…..Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again.” ~mary oliver

The ashes were placed in the sandy bowl, covered lightly with sand, and we waited for the waves to wash in and take our friend’s husband home to the sea.

~ “And did you see it, finally, just under the clouds a white cross streaming across the sky, its feet like black leaves, its wings like the stretching light of the river?”~mary oliver

~ “The day is coming when I fly off…”~ rumi

~ “…the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting…” ~mary oliver

~ “Let us look for secret things   
somewhere in the world,
on the blue shore of silence
or where the storm has passed,
rampaging like a train.
There the faint signs are left,
coins of time and water,
debris, celestial ash
and the irreplaceable rapture
of sharing in the labour
of solitude and the sand.”~pablo neruda

Photos: personal file

About Angeline M

Love travel and photography. Living in Northern California. Photos of locations visited are personal file photos. I’m on Instagram: suze.munoz
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6 Responses to A Final Farewell

  1. eof737 says:

    How touching…my condolences to your friend… the pictures are beautiful.


  2. What a beautifully written tribute and a lovely way to celebrate the life of the one that passed. It sounded very special for everyone involved.


  3. Love to you for giving us this to have always - jo says:

    Thank you Susie, for that beautifully written and composed remembrance of our service last weekend – the poetry we all recited seems to be more perfect every time I read it. The day was magical – the company of special friends…perfection. I know of no other way to return a loved one to the Universe that would have been any more appropriate for Ed. He would enthusuastically approve – of course he would – he was there with us and everything unfolded without flaw. I am so lightened – so weightless – so renewed and transformed by having had our unique celebration of his life.


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