The Dog Sitter

We were babysitting a granddog over the weekend. A squirrely little Jack Russell Terrier who is a love, but definitely seems to have some mental health issues. The poor dog didn’t eat for three days other than a few Pupperoni sticks, and didn’t drink any water for the same amount of time. The food and water bowls brought from home were his own, but they are metal and I thought to use other bowls that didn’t reflect the light; this was the winning ticket! The dog, I think, has vision problems as well, which I think is at the root of his idiosyncracies; he had a hard time coming down a poorly lit hallway from living room to kitchen. I didn’t know if he was afraid of something or just couldn’t see well.

I grew up with dogs, as did our kids; we always had one, and I miss having them around now, but don’t want to tie myself down with one either. Babysitting dogs for our kids takes care of my need for a little while and then I’m ready to send them back home. I’m free again!

About Angeline M

Love travel and photography. Living in Northern California. Photos of locations visited are personal file photos. I’m on Instagram: suze.munoz
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