Weekly Photo Challenge: A Day In My Life

A day like every other day. But, then again, not. Each day brings a blessing.

I work from home, so I’m self-contained for the better part of a week day; but I have only to look out the window, or take a walk at lunch outdoors, or as today, on the treadmill in the garage, to get me through the day. A wall in my home office is covered with a map of the world, that’s reason enough to be happy in there, and day-dream while I’m on hold on a call….where will I travel today?  Tonight, we gathered part of the family for dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant, but before that, I spent a few minutes in the garden to say goodnight to my birds and make sure they were settled for the night.

It was a pretty good day.

About Angeline M

Love travel and photography. Living in Northern California. Photos of locations visited are personal file photos. I’m on Instagram: suze.munoz
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22 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: A Day In My Life

  1. Madhu says:

    A beautiful day Angeline! Adore that map on your wall 🙂


  2. That is an exceptional wall map!


  3. Amy says:

    Beautiful garden, home office… Thank you for sharing your wonderful day with us, Angeline! Hope you enjoyed the Easter weekend 🙂


  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: A Day in My Life | To Breathe is to Write

  5. I may steal that idea from you to plaster my home office with a map of the world -that’s always inspiring to me. Love the image of the birdbath reflections.


    • Angeline M says:

      The map wallpaper was on the wall when we moved in to this house….like it was put there for me, I couldn’t have thought of a better idea myself.
      Glad you like the birdbath reflections….I wonder if the birds get confused when they look down on it from the fence.
      Thanks for stopping in.


  6. I decided to spare everyone the one shot that would have captured my day. Me at the computer, no makeup, working on final edits. All. Day.
    Thanks for sharing yours!


    • Angeline M says:

      Well, I’m glad to be the fall guy! I just went over to take a look at your day, geez louise, how could anyone not love that day? So just as well you didn’t post one of you at your computer, no makeup!


  7. munchow says:

    A fun little potpourri of a day in your life. I think it’s a great way to look back at yourself, and it seems like you have had a lovely day.


    • Angeline M says:

      All in all, most of my days are good, and I should never really complain. Dealing with the difficulties and disease issues of my patients makes me feel all the more grateful.


  8. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: A Day in My Life | 2013 Weekly Photo Challenge Blog

  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: A Day in My Life 03.30.2013 | Private Mixture

  10. What a lovely day! I love the idea of working from home but don’t think i’d be able to separate my time properly and I fear i know which would suffer – so bravo you, Angeline 🙂


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