Project 365, Day 140; Keeping My Head Down

For whatever reason on my noon walk today, I started noticing things close to the ground, if not on the ground. I usually walk looking forward, or up; rarely looking down. People driving by probably thought I was depressed.

I walked out along the side of the main two lane road that leads out of the rural area we live in.







I had to look up














Photos by Angeline M. Some processed a bit and some not. You guess which ones were, and which ones not.

About Angeline M

Love travel and photography. Living in Northern California. Photos of locations visited are personal file photos. I’m on Instagram: suze.munoz
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4 Responses to Project 365, Day 140; Keeping My Head Down

  1. munchow says:

    Sometimes looking down or looking up is what it takes to find pictures. I like these, particularly the first one. That leaves is simply astonishing.


    • Angeline M says:

      Thanks Otto. Somewhere along the line I learned to pay attention to looking up when scouting for photos, but have rather ignored looking down very much. That leaf was on a plant along a curb in a parking lot. The color and shape caught my eye.


  2. susangeckle says:

    I love looking at nature too. Birds, plants. I even enjoy the geometry of stink bugs, that most people thing are pests. Nature can give us something nothing else can.


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